(RS-232C cross cable)
Personal computer
2-4. Operation Log
PCS1/1P has a function that outputs the internal processing history, between the connection and
disconnection of a line, to the commercial PC connected to the outside and a function that saves the latest
history of 1M byte in a Memory Stick (refer to the saving of system log on page 2-18).
Operation log using commercial PC (1)
Connect an AUX CONTROL terminal and PC to the right on the front panel of PCS-1/1P.
Start the power of PCS-1/1P and PC.
Activate accessory software “Hyper Terminal” of PC Windows 95/98/2000/XP on PC and set the
communication format as described below.
Transmission rate: 38,400 bps
Data length: 8 bits
Stop bits: 2 bits
Parity bit: None
The procedure for “Hyper Terminal” activation, communication format setting, and operation log
execution is described on the next page and later.
. Windows is the registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
. For Windows 2000/XP, the procedure is “Start menu” → “Program” → “Accessories” →
“Communications” → “Hyper Terminal”.
Note: In a hyper terminal, only 500 lines can be logged. For long-time logging, use other terminal