Sony VAIO Desktop User Guide
An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company which provides you with a user name,
password and telephone number in order to connect to the Internet.
L2 cache memory
Cache memory is RAM-like memory that enables quick access to data that has already been
read by the computer. L1 and L2 are levels of cache memory in a computer.
A LAN (Local Area Network) is a group of computers connected together within a limited
geographical area. It enables users to share devices (such as printers) and information using
one processor or server.
Short for Liquid Crystal Display. Flat display technology using liquid crystals (and light
polarisation) to provide sharp, flicker-free images on a screen comprised of millions of tiny
cells. Colour can be produced by two basic techniques. Passive matrix is the less expensive of
the two technologies. The active matrix technology (or TFT) produces better quality but is
also more expensive.
Short for Light-Emitting Diode. A semiconductor device that lights up when electricity passes
through it.
Short for Messaging Application Program Interface. A Microsoft Windows interface
enabling you to send e-mail messages. It allows e-mail access and distribution among
applications. MAPI-compatible applications include a Send Mail or Send in the File menu of
the application.
maximum RAM
The maximum amount of RAM that your computer can contain. Once this amount is
reached, you can no longer add additional RAM to your computer.
The motherboard is the main circuit board inside your computer. It holds the CPU, the BIOS,
the memory and so on.
Term Definition