If you suspect your modem is not functioning, you can perform a simple test
to find out.
1 Click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
2 Click Control Panel.
3 Click Modems.
4 Click the Diagnostics tab.
5 Select COM3.
6 Click More Info.
If your modem is functioning, a More Info dialog box will display. If your
modem is not functioning, an error message will appear.
Topic: How do I change my modem to rotary or Touch-Tone dialing?
1 Click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
2 Click Control Panel and then click Modems.
3 Click Dialing Properties.
4 Select the Tone dial or Pulse dial option next to “Dial using.”
5 Click OK.
Topic: My microphone does not work
Check that the microphone is plugged into the MIC jack.
Topic: My microphone is too sensitive to background noise
If you find there is too much background noise when you record sound, you
should adjust the microphone gain by following these steps:
1 Right-click the speaker icon (Volume) in the lower-right Windows
2 Click Open Volume Controls.
The Volume Control screen appears.
3 In the Options menu, select Properties.
The Properties screen appears.