Car Cradle
Design and Specifications subject to change without notice.
Line Level Output
GPS AntennaDC 5.2 VoltsCigarette lighter adapter
Attenuate (Tel Mute)
To UniLink in (Head Unit)
To UniLink RCA in (Head Unit)
XA-CC1 Connection Adapter (optional)
The voltage converter
is built into the base
of the cigarette lighter
adapter. Do not cut off
the adapter plug and
connect to 12 Volts.
The car cradle will be
Computer Interface: The computer industry lacks standards, and therefore, there are a multitude of varying software packages and add-on hardware options. This device
is not manufactured to any specific software, and Sony does not and cannot make any warranty or representation with respect to the performance of this
product with any particular software packages and/or non-Sony add-on hardware option except those mentioned in this document. Sony hereby disclaims any representa-
tions or warranty that this product is compatible with any combination of products you may choose to connect. While Sony representatives or Sony authorized dealers may
be able to assist you and may make recommendations, they are NOT authorized to vary or waive this disclaimer. Purchasers must determine for
themselves the suitability and compatibility of the hardware and software in each and every particular instance. Some pre-installed software titles may not include full
documentation. Software titles pre-installed on the Sony CLIÉ handheld are subject to change without notice.
©2003 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, the Sony logo, CLIÉ, the CLIÉ logo,
ATRAC3, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, Remote Commander, and MagicGate are trademarks of Sony. The Sony CLIÉ handheld is independently manufactured by
Sony Corporation. Pentium is a registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. StreetFinder and
Rand McNally are registered trademarks of Rand McNally & Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Screen image is simulated.
Features and specifications are subject to change without notice.