Chapter2 Using basic applications
To display applications by category
1 Tap the Home icon.
2 Do one of the following:
• Tap the Home icon repeatedly to cycle through all the categories.
• Tap the arrow V in the upper right corner of the screen and then tap the
desired category from the drop-down categories list.
• Push the Jog Dial navigator repeatedly while no applications are
Changing the Application Launcher display
By default, the Application Launcher displays each application as an icon.
As an alternative, you can display applications in a list format.
You can also choose to view the same category of applications each time you
open the Application Launcher screen.
To change the view of applications
1 Tap the Home icon.
2 Tap the Menu icon.
The menu is displayed.
3 Tap Options, and then tap Preferences.
The Preferences screen is displayed.
4 Tap the arrow V next to View By and then tap List.
Performing common tasks
Continued on next page