Other Information
Turn off the wireless feature outside the USA. Do not
use wireless feature in other countries.
Turn off the wireless feature when you are in a
location in which radio communications are
prohibited. When you are in such a location, you
must obtain permission from the appropriate
authorities before enabling the wireless feature of
this device.
Turn off the wireless feature in health care facilities
where any regulations posted in such areas instruct
you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may
be using equipment that could be effected by radio
frequency (RF) energy which is generated by
wireless communication.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) regulations
prohibit using the radio of wireless devices while in
the air. Turn off the wireless feature before boarding
an aircraft.
Do not use your Reader near medical equipment
without first obtaining permission to do so.
If you use any personal medical device, consult the
manufacturer of your device to determine whether it
may be affected by RF energy.