23. Adjust with the [VOL+] key (adjusted value up) or [VOL--]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
24. Press the X key.
(0D64 is blinking)
25. Press the [VOL+] key once to change the blinking portion to
26. Press the x key.
(00 is blinking)
27. Adjust with the [VOL+] key (adjusted value up) or [VOL--]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
28. Press the X key.
(0D65 is blinking)
29. Press the
[VOL+] key once to change the blinking portion to
30. Press the x key.
(00 is blinking)
31. Adjust with the [VOL+] key (adjusted value up) or [VOL--]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
32. Press the X key.
(0D66 is blinking)
33. Press the [VOL+] key to change the blinking portion to 0D68.
34. Press the x key.
(00 is blinking)
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D64F4
F4: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6500
00: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3
1C: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6600
00: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6603
03: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6800
00: Adjusted value
35. Adjust with the [VOL+] key (adjusted value up) or [VOL--]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
36. Press the X key.
(0D68 is blinking)
37. Press the [VOL+] key once to change the blinking portion to
38. Press the x key.
(00 is blinking)
39. Adjust with the [VOL+] key (adjusted value up) or [VOL--]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
40. Press the X key.
(0D69 is blinking)
41. Press the
[VOL+] key to change the blinking portion to 0D6C.
42. Press the x key.
(00 is blinking)
43. Adjust with the [VOL+] key (adjusted value up) or [VOL--]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
44. Press the X key.
(0D6C is blinking)
45. Press the [VOL+] key once to change the blinking portion to
46. Press the x key.
(00 is blinking)
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6880
80: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6900
00: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6909
09: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6C00
00: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6CF6
F6: Adjusted value
This set LCD display
0 2 3 0D6D00
00: Adjusted value