Monitor output set display (Expansion menu)
When you press [Monitor Select] on an adjustment
display of the Paint menu, the upper half of the panel
becomes the monitor output setting display.
Scene File operation menu display
When you press and light the SCENE button of the
menu operation block, the Scene File operation menu
display is obtained.
For details on the scene file operations, see page 53.
Press again to return to
the previous display.
When the CCU-TX7 is connected, you
can select the WF/PIX output signals.
R/G/B: To independently select the R,
G, or B signal.
RGB: To select the R, G, and B signals
in combination.
SEQ: Only the WF output is enabled,
and you can monitor the waveforms of
the R, G, and B signals in sequence.
ENC (encode): The encoded signal is
Monitor Select
Scene file store button
Scene file recall buttons:
Buttons 1 to 20 can be displayed
by pressing v or V, or turning the
leftmost (Page) control knob.
Scene Files
Scene 1 : STUDIO1
Scene 2 : DXC-D30
Scene : 2*
Scene 3 : TEST 002
Scene 4 :
Scene 5 :
Char Cur
Filename box:
Enter a filename using the
second (Char) from the right and
the rightmost (Cur) control knob.
File list