Splitting events within a time selection
When selecting events within a time selection, only the selected events in the time range split at the in and out points.
Events before splitting Events after splitting
In point Out point
Selection bar
Event to split at the
time selection’s in
and out points
Split point Split point
Selection bar
Only the selected
event splits at the in
and out points
Joining events
You may join events on ACID tracks that have been segmented along the timeline. Joining events is an efficient way to redraw an event
and remove any splits or silent regions between events.
You would want to join events if you decided that the event should play uninterrupted over the specified time range.
Select the events or range of events that you want to join. For more information, see Selecting multiple events on page 38.
From the Edit menu, choose Join or press J. The selected events are joined.
Select all the events that you want to join.
You can also select the first and last events you
want to join, creating an event selection range.
After you join the events, a single event appears.
Joining events is similar to dragging the edge
of an existing event
Automatic crossfades
From the Options menu, choose Automatic Crossfades if you want to automatically create crossfades when you overlap two audio
Event crossfades are not available for MIDI events.
Creating crossfades
You can easily create crossfades between events by simply dragging an event.
From the Options menu, choose Automatic Crossfades to turn on automatic crossfades.
Drag and event so that it overlaps another event on the same track.
A crossfade is automatically added to transition smoothly between the two events.
60 | CHAPTER 3