PERSISTENT RESERVE IN 6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 6-57
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (5Eh)
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 (MSB) Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
The PERSISTENT RESERV IN command is used to obtain about persistent reservations and reservation keys
that are active within a drive.
The actual length of the PERSISTENT RESERVE IN parameter data is available in a parameter data field.
SERVICE ACTION: The service action codes are defined:
Table 6-56: PERSISTENT RESERVATION IN Service action codes
Code Name Description
00h READ KEYS Reads all registered Reservation Keys
01h READ RESERVATION Reads the current persistent reservations
02h-1fh Reserved Reserved
READ KEYS – The READ KEYS service action that the drive return a parameter list containing a header and a list
of each current registered initiator’s reservation key. If multiple initiators have registered with the same key, then
that key value will be listed multiple times, once for each such registration.
READ RESERVATIONS – The READ RESERVATIONS service action requests that the drive return a parameter
list containing a header and the persistent reservation(s), if any, that is present in the drive. Multiple persistent
reservations may be returned only if element reservations are present.
Allocation Length: The Allocation Length field indicates how much space has been reserved for the returned
parameter list. If length is not sufficient to contain the entire parameter list, the first portion of the list will be
returned. This will not be considered an error. If the remainder of the list is required, the application client will send
a new PERSISTENT RESERV IN command with a Allocation Length field large enough to contain the entire list.
The returned parameter data provided in response to a PERSISTENT RESERVE IN command with the READ
KEYS service action has the following format:
Table 6-57: PERSISTENT RESERVATION IN parameter data for READ KEYS
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB) Additional Length
7 (LSB)
Reservation Key list
8 (MSB) First reservation key
15 (LSB)
n-7 (MSB) Last reservation key
n (LSB)