Operating the Camera
Logging in to Homepage — Welcome Page
Logging in to Homepage
— Welcome Page
Logging in as a user
Start the Web browser on your computer and type
the IP address of the camera you want to monitor.
The welcome page is displayed.
Display sample: SNC-RX570N
Select the viewer.
The usable codecs and viewers are displayed
depending on the Mode setting in the Video Codec
Tab in the Camera menu (page 40).
When Mode is set to Single codec
You can monitor the image of the selected video
codec (JPEG, MPEG4 or H.264). For JPEG
images, you can select Java applet viewer.
When JPEG is selected
When MPEG4 is selected
When H.264 is selected
When Mode is set to Dual codec
You can monitor JPEG and MPEG4 images. For
JPEG images, you can select Java applet viewer.