• The zoom scaling indicator differs according to
the zoom type.
Optical zoom:
Smart zoom:
Precision digital zoom:
• The AF range finder frame does not appear
when using the digital zoom. The or
indicator flashes, and AF operates with priority
on subjects located near the center.
Smart zoom
The image is enlarged with almost no
distortion. This lets you use smart zoom
with the same feeling as optical zoom. To
set smart zoom, set [Digital Zoom] to
[Smart] in the SET UP settings (page 116).
The default setting is smart zoom.
The maximum zoom scale depends on the
selected image size as follows.
Smart zoom cannot be used when
the image size is set to [5M] or [3:2].
The default setting of the image size
is [5M].
Smart zoom cannot be used when
the image size is set to [4M] or [3:2].
The default setting of the image size
is [4M].
• When using the smart zoom, the image on the
LCD screen may look rough. However, this has
no effect on the recorded image.
• You cannot use the smart zoom in the Multi
Burst mode.
Precision digital zoom
All image sizes are enlarged up to a
maximum 6×. This function cuts out and
enlarges a certain portion of the image, so
the image quality deteriorates. To set
precision digital zoom, set [Digital Zoom]
to [Precision] in the SET UP settings
(page 116).
The W side of this line is optical zoom
area, and the T side is digital zoom area
Optical zoom
Smart zoom
Image size Maximum zoom scale
3M 3.8×
1M 6.1×
VGA (E-Mail) 12×
Image size Maximum zoom scale
3M 3.4×
1M 5.4×
VGA (E-Mail) 10×
Optical zoom
Precision digital