Re-attach case and replace the screws
Once you are complete with this process place
the camera case back together and replace the
camera case screws.
Attaching the Sony S40 to the PixController LE
Board and Universal Board
1. Wiring your S40 camera to the PixController LE
Connect the following wires to your LE board:
Shutter – Shutter on LE, J2-1
Ground – Ground on LE, J2-2
Power – Refresh on LE, J2-3
Last, remove the R17 resistor from the LE board,
see: http://www.pixcontroller.com/PixLE
2. Wiring your S40 camera to the PixController
Universal board.
Connect the following wires to your Universal
Shutter – Shutter, J14-1, or Phone Cable Shutter
Ground – Ground, J14-7, or Phone Cable Ground
Power – Power, J14-3, or Phone Cable Power
PixController LE Camera Port Diagram
PixController Universal Camera Port Diagram