Other Functions
Menu Items
Menu items Settings (*: Initial setting)
MIC SENS H *(high): To record at meetings or in a quiet
and/or spacious place.
L (low): To record dictation or in a noisy place.
VOR ON: The VOR (Voice Operated Recording)
function is activated. Recording starts when the
unit detects sound and stops when no sound is
heard, eliminating recording from soundless
OFF*: The VOR function is disabled. Normal
recording operation is selected.
NEW FOLDER Displays the window to add a new folder (YES/
NO*). See page 37.
FOLDER NAME Displays the window to change a folder name.
See page 42.
MSG.NAME Displays the window to change the message
name. See page 44.
USER NAME Displays the window to change the IC recorder
user name. See page 45.
DPC Displays the window to set the playback speed
(ON/OFF*). See page 28.
CONT. ON: You can play back all messages in a folder
OFF*: Playback stops at the end of each message.
EASY-S ON: You can go back for approx. 3 seconds by
pressing the jog lever down (.), or advance for
approx. 10 seconds by pressing the jog lever up
OFF*: You can go back or forward the messages
by pressing the jog lever down or up (./>).