qa Display mode selector
to select the display mode for file and track names.
Display mode Display contents
Title Name Track name
File Name File name
Title Name/File Name Track and file names
qs Close button
Click to close the File window.
• To deselect the currently selected track, click on an empty area (i.e., a place
with no button or function key) in the Time display.
• In M-crew, the original music file is registered, not a copy.
Therefore, when you delete a registered music file or rename it using
Explorer or another file management tool, M-crew will no longer be able to
play that music file.
• A dimmed track name indicates that some abnormality has happened to the
track and that it cannot be played back by M-crew.
• M-crew identifies and plays back music files according to the file name.
This key attribute must therefore never be changed.