
If data encryption (WEP) is enabled for the Access Point, enter the
encryption key (WEP key) here. Because this key functions as a
password that enables communication with the network, the key
entered here must be exactly the same as that set for the Access
Point. Only computers for which the key has been configured
correctly can join the network. The number of characters depends
on the ASCII/Hex and Length settings (see table below).
ASCII Hexadecimal
Permissible characters Alphanumeric characters 0 to 9, A to F, a to f
Maximum number 5 or 13 characters 10 or 26 characters
of characters
Confirm key
Re-enter the encryption key that you entered in the Key box.
z Hint
This product supports a function called roaming which allows the creation of a
wireless network with multiple Access Points for wider coverage. When using
this function, configure all Access Points to the same Network Name (SSID) and
Data Encryption (WEP) settings.
3 When you are done, click “Next”.
The following screen appears.
4 Make sure that the settings are correct, and then click