• The supplied software may differ depending on the country/region in which you have
purchased the player, or the model you have purchased.
• You can download the latest version of SonicStage from the following web sites:
For customers in the USA: http://www.sony.com/walkmansupport/
For customers in Canada: http://www.sony.ca/ElectronicsSupport/
For customers in Europe: http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/
For customers in China: http://service.sony.com.cn/KB/
For customers in Taiwan: http://www.twsupport.css.ap.sony.com/
For customers in Korea: http://scs.sony.co.kr/walkman/
For customers in other countries/regions: http://www.css.ap.sony.com/
Browsing the Operation Guide
To use the buttons in the Operation Guide
Click the buttons located in the upper right of this manual to jump to “Table of
Contents,” “Player HOME Menu Reference,” or “Index.”
Jumps to the table of contents
Find what you are looking for from a list of
topics in the manual.
Jumps to the HOME menu reference
Find what you are looking for from a list of the
Option items in the player’s HOME menu.
Jumps to the index
Find what you are looking for from a list of key
words mentioned in the manual.
• You can jump to the indicated page by clicking a page number in the table of contents,
in the HOME menu reference, or in the index.
• You can jump to the indicated page by clicking a page reference indicated by (
2), etc.
• To search for a reference page by keyword, click the “Edit” menu, select “Search” of
the Adobe Reader to display the navigation frame, type the keyword into the Search text
box, and click “Search.”
• You can jump to the previous or next page by clicking the
and buttons located at
bottom of the screen of the Adobe Reader.