Sony Electronics Inc. Digital Imaging and Information Technology Group,16530 Via Esprillo Drive,San Diego,CA, 92127
1-800-295-7669 www
© 2007 Son
y Electronics Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.All rights reserved. Features
and specifications are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measures are approximate and may vary. Sony,the
Sony logo,Auto Touch-Up, BIONZ,Clear Photo, Clear Photo Plus, Clear RAW,Cyber-shot,InfoLITHIUM, like.no.other, Memory Stick,
Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO, Memory Stick PRO Duo, the Memory Stick logo, NightShot, PictureStation, Real Imaging
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and Vario-Tessar are trademarks of Carl Zeiss.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Complete the picture with Sony
To get the most out of digital photography, get
connected with Sony accessories. Increase your
range with lens adapters. Expand your creative
horizons with filters. Keep the power flowing with
additional batteries. And protect your camera
with a custom-designed carrying case! Sony
accessories make it happen.
Memory Stick
Duo / PRO Duo Media
Shot Storage 128 MB* 256 MB* 512 MB* 1 GB* 2 GB* 4 GB
* 8 GB
JPEG Standard
12 MP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
10 MP 51 91 188 384 789 1559 3127
8 MP 60 109 223 456 934 1847 3705
MP 73 132 268 548 1125 2223 4459
6 MP 79 142 290 592 1215 2401 4816
5 MP 96 174 354 723 1482 2928 5873
3 MP 149 264 537 1097 2250 4447 8919
2 MP
46 446 907 1852 3798 7504 15052
1 MP 376 649 1320 2694 5524 10915 21893
GA 1975 3571 7261 14821 30385 60036 120416
12 MP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
0 MP 25 45 94 192 394 779 1563
8 MP 32 59 121 247 506 1000 2006
7 MP 37 67 137 279 573 1132 2272
6 MP 42 77 157 322 660 1305 2617
5 MP 51 92 188 384 789 1559 3127
3 MP 82 148 302 617 1266 2501 5017
2 MP 133 238 484 988 2025 4002 8027
1 MP 202 357 726 1482 3038 6003 12041
VGA 790 1428 2904 5928 12154 24014 48166
ideo Recording
QCIF (Video Mail)** 1:31:33 2:51:21 5:47:05 11:44:22 24:18:25 48:04:40 96:19:55
** 23:41
42:50 1:27:07
2:57:50 6:04:36 12:00:25 24:04:58
VX Standard** 5:54 10:42 21:46 44:27 1:31:08 3:00:05 6:01:23
VX Fine** 1:38 2:57 6:02 12:20 25:18 50:00 1:40:20
* Actual storage varies by camera. Available storage capacity of Memory Stick
media and Memory Stick PRO
media may vary.
A portion of the memory is used for data management functions. Actual available memory is MBs is 128=123,256=220, 512=460,
Memory Stick
media transfer speeds var
y b
y and are dependent upon
the host hardware device.
** MPEG Movie Capacity in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Actual storage varies by camera.
Due to F
AT32 limitations, maximum size for a single MPEG Movie file is approximately 2 GB.