The ConfigurationROM is normally used for the OS to identify the device.
The serial number and firmware version of the camera are stored in ConfigurationROM to be used when required. Note
that the setting method for the serial number and firmware version information is of Sony’s unique specification and is
not compatible with cameras of other manufacturers.
The following explanation uses XCD-V60CR as an example.
With the exception of bits 8 to 15 of the 400h offset address field, the length of the entire ConfigROM is made up of
22h Quadlets. Therefore, the ConfigROM from 400h to 48Bh is 140 bytes.
The UnitDirectory offset address is required to be
424h + 000004h × 1 = 424h
For offset address 424h, the length of the UnitDirectory is 3 Quadlets.
UnitSpecID (00A02Dh) conforms to 1394TA standards.
UnitSoftwareVersion (000102h) conforms to IIDC Standards, Version 1.3.
The offset address of UnitDependentInfo is required to be
430h + 000001h × 1 = 434h
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
Bus Info Block 400h 04 22 ROM CRC
404h 31 33 39 34
408h 20 FF A2 13
40ch 08 00 46 10 NodeVendorID/ChipID-Hi
410h 00 37 1A 96 Chip ID-Lo
414h 0003 CRC
418h 03 08 00 46 ModuleVendorID
41ch 0C 00 83 C0
420h D1 00 00 01 UnitDirectoryOffset
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
Unit Directory 424h 0003 CRC
428h 12 00 A0 2D UnitSpecID
42Ch 13 00 01 02 UnitSoftwareVersion
430h D4 00 00 01 UnitDependentDirectory Offset
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
434h 000B CRC
438h 40 3C 00 00 CommandRegsBase
43ch 81 00 00 0A VendorNameLeaf
440h 82 00 00 0D ModelNameLeaf
444h 38 00 00 10 Unit_sub_sw_version
448h 39 00 00 00 Reserved
44Ch 3A 00 00 00 Reserved
450h 3B 00 00 00 Reserved
454h 3C 00 01 00 Vendor_unique_info_0
458h 3D 01 00 00 Vendor_unique_info_1
45Ch 3E 00 00 30 Vendor_unique_info_2
460h 3F 01 86 A1 Vendor_unique_info_3