“Memory Stick” operations
Using “Memory Stick”–introduction
Image size settings
Setting Meaning Indicator
Recording Playback
1152 × 864 Records 1152 × 864 still images.
640 × 480 Records 640 × 480 still images.
320 × 240 Records 320 × 240 moving pictures.
160 × 112 Records 160 × 112 moving pictures.
160 160
Maximum recording time of moving pictures
Image size Maximum recording time
320 × 240 15 seconds
160 × 112 60 seconds
When images recorded on a camcorder in 1152 × 864 size are played back on a unit that
does not support that size, the full image may not appear.
Approximate number of still images you can record on a
“Memory Stick”
The number of images you can record varies depending on which image quality mode
and image size you select and the complexity of the subject.
4MB type (supplied):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 20 images 6 images
FINE (FINE) 40 images 12 images
STANDARD (STD) 60 images 18 images
8MB type (optional):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 40 images 12 images
FINE (FINE) 81 images 25 images
STANDARD (STD) 122 images 37 images
16MB type (optional):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 82 images 25 images
FINE (FINE) 164 images 51 images
STANDARD (STD) 246 images 75 images