Control of IIDC Standard Features
Before transmitting the control command, check the variable ranges of settings and if there is an automatic mode for
each feature.
As the variable ranges of the settings vary with video modes for the Pan and Tilt features, be sure to check them if the
video mode is changed.
Address Data Bit
890003FFh 0 This feature exists.
4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 0
20-31 Max. 1023
891003FFh 0 This feature exists.
4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 256
20-31 Max. 1023
(Black and white models
89000007h 0 This feature exists.
4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 0
20-31 Max. 7
(Color models only)
9B7009FFh 0 This feature exists.
4 The value can be read out.
6 Auto setting can be selected.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 1792
20-31 Max. 2559
(Color models only)
897009FF 0 This feature exists.
4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 1792
20-31 Max. 2559
890401FF 0 This feature exists.
4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 64
20-31 Max. 511
89000003h 0 This feature exists.
4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 0
20-31 Max. 3