Customising your computer
4 In the Advanced tab of the Regional and Language Options window, select your language from
the Language for non-Unicode programs drop-down menu.
5 To change the language of the Windows menus, dialog boxes and online help files provided by Microsoft Windows, select the
Languages tab of the Regional and Language Options window.
Non-Microsoft Windows applications stay in English, even if you change these settings.
6 Select your language from the drop-down list.
7 Click Apply to apply the changes.
You are prompted to log off and log on again. Only then, the changes to the new language will take effect.
8 Click Start, and select Log Off.
9 Click Log Off in the Log Off Windows window. If necessary, enter your password to log on again. All the menus, help files and
icons are then displayed in your selected language. However, some parts may remain in English.