
Advanced Features
How to get the most out of your
Network Media Receiver............... 52
Having the computer start up
automatically........................... 52
Checking or changing the time
required to enter Standby ........ 53
Changing the settings of the Network
Media Receiver.............................. 54
To bring up the “System Settings”
screen ...................................... 54
Settings available on the “System
Settings” screen ...................... 55
To update the firmware ............... 55
To return the Network Media
Receiver to the default
settings .................................... 56
To select the TV type .................. 56
To control the file playback
method .................................... 57
To change the display language .. 57
About the Standby, STATUS and
WIRELESS indicators ................... 58
Meaning of STATUS and
WIRELESS indicators during
hardware diagnosis ................. 59
Notes on Use ..................................... 60
Specifications .................................... 62
Getting Help ...................................... 63
Power ................................................. 64
Power does not come on ............. 64
Network Media Receiver cannot be
switched off ............................ 64
Computer does not come on (does
not start up from Standby or
Hibernate mode) ..................... 65
Remote control .................................. 65
My remote control does not work 65
Video, audio ...................................... 66
Sound or picture from the Network
Media Receiver is not reproduced
on the TV ................................ 66
Picture or sound sometimes stops or
is distorted ............................... 66
Video playback suffers from
dropped frames ....................... 66
A screen saver image is shown on
the TV ..................................... 66
Connection, registration .................... 67
I cannot connect to a computer ... 67
I cannot register the Network Media
Receiver at the computer ........ 68
The computer does not show up on
the “Select a server...” screen ...
I can no longer connect to a
computer after performing a hard
disk drive recovery on the
computer ................................. 68