Step 3
PixelNumber is read out.
TotalByte is read out.
PacketParaINQ is read out.
Sets the packet size.
Check the packet size.
No error
Obtain the number of packets.
Setting completed.
Read F0F10034h. Number of pixels is
obtained. (Use this information if required
by the software application.)
Read F0F10038-3Ch. Total byte (of
effective image) is obtained.
Now image transmission is ready. Send a video start
command to output images.
Read F0F10040h. Packet size that can be
set is obtained. (1,200 (minimum) and
2,400 (maximum) for this camera.)
Write 09600960h in F0F10044h.
(PacketSize = 2400)
Read F0F1007Ch. Check that Bit 9 is not
set. If an error occurs, the PacketSize was
wrong. Try other settings.
Read F0F10048h. The number of packets
per 1 frame is obtained. (The total number
of bytes of the data output by the camera
output = Packet size × number of packets)