
©2007 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.
XDCAM Workflow Guide
Key workflow features of the XDCAM Transfer application are:
1. Frame-accurate preview and sub-clip creation using proxy video
2. Preview of clips and XDCAM clip lists (sequences)
3. Full support for XDCAM essence marks and Final Cut Pro clip markers
4. Full metadata searching capability
5. Direct preview of full-quality material from XDCAM disc (full-screen mode)
6. Metadata logging and write back to XDCAM disc
7. Generation of printable shot lists
Once entire or sub-clips have been selected, a single click will
transfer the material to the connected Final Cut Pro project.
While the transfer takes place, you are able to resume editing
within Final Cut Pro - the transferred clips will drop into the
project bin in the background. Support for arbitrary XDCAM
filenames and title metadata means that the clips will appear
in the project bin with easily-recognised names.
Note: Some of the functions described in this document will be available in the
October ‘07 version of XDCAM Transfer Software after IBC2007.
3. Export back to disc
Once editing of your sequence is complete in Final Cut Pro, the high
resolution content may be exported back to Professional Disc media as an
XDCAM-compatible MXF file. Alternatively, the MXF file may be written to
any connected storage device, for example, a video server.
File>Export>Sony XDCAM
... to open the export window of the
XDCAM Transfer application. Here you can select the target location for the
exported MXF file, as well as control the settings used during the export
As with the import operation, once Final Cut Pro has completed any required
rendering of your sequence, the transfer to your chosen destination takes
place in the background - leaving you free to resume editing.
Note: PDW-U1 Export Function will be implemented in the next available release of the Oct. ‘07
version of XDCAM Transfer Software.
* "XDCAM Transfer Software" is distributed by Sony.
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Apple Computer
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Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone +1 408 974-1010
European Contact
European Business Development
Phone +44 207 7184 1072
Website //www.apple.com/finalcutstudio
Sony Electronics Inc. (U.S.)*
Website www.sony.com/XDCAM
Sony Europe*
Website www.sonybiz.net/xdcam
“XDCAM Transfer Software for Final Cut Pro”
Information is available on the above Web sites.