– 52 –
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Pin Description
52 MTP I Tuner multi-pass input
53 VSM I S-Meter voltage detection input
54 VCC — Power supply pin (+5 V)
55 RAMBU I RAM reset detection input
56 POWSEL I Power select initial setting input
57 EQ-SEL I Equalizer connection with/without detection initial input
58 TESTIN I Test mode setting detection input
59 PACK-IND O Door indicator output
60 TIRPLAY O Audio line select control output at TIR playback. (C8100R)
61, 62 SUB-SW1, 0 O Simple SUB WOOFER control output 1, 0
63 VSS — GND
64 VOLCE O Electric volume serial chip enable output
65 MUTE O System mute control output
66 VOLSO/SUBSO O Main/Sub volume serial data output
67 VOLCKO/SUBCKO O Main/Sub volume serial clock output
68 SUBCE O Sub volume serial chip enable output
69 FLASH-W I Flash write in mode detection input
70 I2CSIO I/O RDS serial data input/output
71 I2CCKO O RDS serial clock output
72 RC-IN1 I Rotary commander input
73 X1A — Low speed oscillation input (32.768 kHz)
74 X0A — Low speed oscillation input (32.768 kHz)
75 DAVN I RDS IC data taking in detection input
76 KEYACK I Key input acknowledge
77 BU-IN I Back-up power detection input
78 ILLIN I Illumination line detection input
79 TELMUTE I Telephone mute detection input
80 NOSESW I Front panel detachable detection input
81 ACCIN I Accessory power detection input
82 – 85 TIR-D0 – D3 I/O TIR IC command input/output 0 – 3 (C8100R)
86 (VCC) — Connect to power supply pin.
87 (VSS) — Connect to GND.
88, 89 (VCC) — Connect to power supply pin.
90 RST I Microcomputer reset input
91 VSS — GND
92 X0 — High speed oscillation input (3.68 MHz)
93 X1 — High speed oscillation input (3.68 MHz)
94 VCC — Power supply pin (+5 V)
95 TIR-BUSY I TIR IC BUSY output monitor pin (C8100R)
96 TIR-WR O TIR IC data write in pulse output (C8100R)
97, 98 TIR-CE0, 1 O TIR IC chip enable output (C8100R)
99 TIR-RES O TIR IC reset/power down output (C8100R)
100 TIR-PDWN O TIR IC power down output (C8100R)
101 TIR-RD O TIR IC data read in pulse output (C8100R)
102 MTLIN I Auto METAL detection input
103 AMSTIN I Tape AMS music detection input
104 REEL I Tape reel table rotation detection input
105 POS0 I Tape position detection input 0
106 POS1 I Tape position detection input 1
107 POS2 I Tape position detection input 2
108 POS3 I Tape position detection input 3
109 LM-EJ O Tape loading motor control output (Eject direction)
110 LM-LOD O Tape loading motor control output (Loading direction)