
Source Technologies, LLC ST9620 Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide
The commands in Figure 7.1 in order of appearance:
&%STFPASSWORD$ Password Command.
&%SMCP0001$ MICR Definition Command with the count set to one.
&%STP10001$ Unlock Flash Resource number 10001.
&%STP20000$ Unlock Flash Resource number 20000.
&%1B26...3358$ PCL sequence in hex which sets the page format and
enables macro number 10001.
&%1B$(s1p16v0s3b4148T PCL sequence which changes the font to Univers 16
point. After the check serial number prints (1000), the
printer is returned to its default font with the following
&%1B$(3@ PCL command to return to default font.
&%SMF$2014.44~ Print Secure font command.
Note: The tilde ~ is the command terminator.
&%1B$(s0p12h1s0b4099T PCL command to change the font to Courier 12 pitch
Italic. Print PCL Fonts from the Front Panel menu for a
list of fonts with their call commands.
&%1B$(3@ PCL command to return to the default font.
&%1B$(20000X! PCL command to print font number 20000. In this
example font 20000 is a signature previously loaded into
flash memory. Here we call it and print it with an
exclamation point (!).
&%1B$(3@ PCL command to return to the default font.
&%1B$&f0S PCL command to Push (store) the current cursor
&%1B$*p296x3184Y PCL command to move the cursor to 296X , 3184Y. At
300 units of measure, this is .97 inches across and 10.61
inches down. We are precisely positioning the MICR
&%SMD....$ Print E-13B MICR Command. This prints the MICR line.
Note: Refer the MICR font character mapping in
Appendix A.
&%1B$&f1S PCL command to Pop (return) the cursor to the pushed
IBM Host Programming Features and Examples | 7