Note: Connect PTZ cameras that support RS-485 directly to the RS-485 port. If the camera is controlled
through an RS-232C interface, use an RS-232C to RS-485 to RS-232C signal converter.
Use the PTZ setup screen to select the following options for the camera PTZ controller:
- CHANNEL: Channel connected to a PTZ device
- CAMERA: Protocol Type
- SPEED: 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800, 2400 (Baud rate)
- ID: 0-63
Controller (Keyboard Controller): If a PTZ controller is used, select a controller protocol from Controller
menu. Set SPEED (Baud Rate) and ID number.
4-4-3. Spot Out
Figure 4.4.6. SPOT-OUT Setup Screen
Table 4.4.4. Menu Item in SPOT-OUT Setup Screen
Only 1 Spot Out is available to use.
To use the Spot out function on D4RS, Video Resolution has to be
setup as 1280x1024 (Video Resolution Output can be setup on
SPOT 1 supports only FULL type. (1 channel only)
Enable/disable channel change if an event occurs on a channel.
Set the dwell time for the display of the event activated channel.
Enable/disable sequential display of spot channel in full screen.
If select ON, the selected channel will be displayed on the monitor
Set the dwell time for the spot channel display.(1-10sec)
Select a channel for spot monitoring using the mouse or the control
button on the remote control and press OK button.