Blood Treat stain immediately. Soak 30 minutes or more in cold water. Rub detergent into
stain. If stain persists, place a small amount of household ammonia on the stain and
rub again with detergent. If safe for fabric, wash in hot water and chlorine bleach if
traces of the stain persist.
Candle Wax Rub with ice and scrape off excess wax. Place stain between paper towels and press with
warm iron. Then place stain face down on paper towels and sponge with rubbing alcohol,
if safe for fabric (refer to WARNING on previous page). Let dry, wash. If traces of color
remain, wash with commercial color remover (Rit, Putnam,* etc.) or, if safe for the fabric,
hot water and chlorine bleach.
Cheese Rinse with cold water. Soak with an enzyme soaking product. If the stain remains, apply
a pretreat product. Wash as usual.
Chewing Gum Rub with ice and scrape off excess gum. Place face down on paper towels and sponge
with a pretreat product.
Chocolate or Cocoa Rinse with cold water. Rub detergent into stain and soak in cold water. If greasy stain
remains, sponge face down on paper towels with a pretreat product. If traces of the
stain remain, wash in hot water and chlorine bleach (if safe for fabric).
Coffee, Tea Soak in cold water. Rub detergent into stain, rinse. If traces of the stain remain, use a
pretreat product and wash in warm water, or wash in hot water with chlorine bleach (if
safe for fabric).
Copier Toner Shake off loose powder. Brush stain with toothbrush to remove remaining powder.
Sponge stain with soapy water. If stain remains, apply a pretreat product and wash in
hot water (if safe for fabric).
Crayon Treat the same as candle wax or place face down on paper towel and spray with WD-4O*.
Rinse. Wash in hot water (if safe for fabric) using soap (not a detergent) and 1-2 cups
baking soda. If stains remain, professional drycleaning may be necessary.
Deodorants and Anti-Perspirants Some of these products contain substances that can change the color of some dyes.
The color can sometimes be restored if the area is sponged with ammonia then rinsed.
To remove stains, apply white vinegar. Rub and rinse. If stains remain, rub detergent into
stain and wash with hot water and chlorine bleach (if safe for fabric).
Dye Treat with a commercial dye remover (Rit, Putnam*) or, if safe for fabric, bleach with
chlorine bleach.
Egg, Gravy If dried, scrape off excess. Soak in cold water. Rub detergent into damp stain and, if
safe for fabric, wash in hot water and chlorine bleach.
Eye and Face Make-up Tap on the stain with a spoon to loosen it. Rub dampened stain with bar soap,
dishwashing liquid or detergent. If stain remains, soak in water and detergent. Apply a
pretreat product and wash as usual.
Fabric Softener Dampen stain and rub with bar soap. Wash as usual.
Felt-Tip Marker Rub detergent into damp stain. Apply a pretreat product. If safe for fabric, wash in hot
water and chlorine bleach.
Fruit Juices Soak in cold water. Wash in hot water with chlorine bleach (if safe for fabric).
Grass Place face down on paper towel and sponge with rubbing alcohol (if safe for fabric).
Rinse. Apply a pretreat product and wash. If stain remains, wash in hot water with
chlorine bleach (if safe for fabric).
Stain Treatment