Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
4A: Safety 115
subject to FCC jurisdiction. However, the FCC does have measurement
instrumentation for evaluating RF levels in areas that may be accessible
to the public or to workers. If there is evidence for potential non-
compliance with FCC exposure guidelines for a FCC-regulated facility,
staff from the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology or the FCC
Enforcement Bureau can conduct and investigation, and, if appropriate,
perform actual measurements. Circumstances that could give rise to a
concern about an facility's conformance with FCC regulations can be
found in A Local Government Official's Guide to Transmitting Antenna
RF Emission Safety: Rules, Procedures, and Practical Guidance. This
Guide can be accessed at:
http://www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety. Potential
exposure problems should be brought to the FCC's attention by
contacting the FCC RF Safety Program at: 202-418-2464 or by e-mail:
14. Does the FCC maintain a database that includes information on
the location and technical parameters of all the transmitting
towers it regulates?
Each of the FCC Bureaus maintains its own licensing database system for
the service(s) it regulates (e.g., television, cellular service, satellite earth
stations.) The FCC issues two types of licenses: site specific and market
based. In the case of site specific licensed facilities, technical operating
information is collected from the licensee as part of the licensing process.
However, in the case of market based licensing (e.g., PCS, cellular), the
licensee is granted the authority to operate a radio communications
system in a geographic area using as many facilities as are required, and
the licensee is not required to provide the FCC with specific location and
operating parameters of these facilities.
Information on site specific licensed facilities can be found in the
"General Menu Reports" (GenMen) at
The various FCC Bureaus also publish on at least a weekly basis, bulk
extracts of their licensing databases. Each licensing database has its own
unique file structure. These extracts consist of multiple, very large files.
The FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) maintains an
index to these databases at