Alternate Method: Install Without the Modem Setup Assistant 23
Installation: Without Setup Assistant
5. Launch your Web browser.
Ⅲ The XOHM website will be displayed.
Ⅲ Follow the onscreen instructions to choose your XOHM service option and
activate XOHM. When complete, submit your order.
6. Wait for activation and provisioning to complete. (Activation by XOHM is typically
fast but may take several minutes.)
Ⅲ During activation and provisioning, make sure that you do not disconnect your
modem. Disconnecting will interrupt the process.
Ⅲ Your XOHM Modem will automatically power cycle (turn off and back on) during
provisioning. When the
WiMAX Signal indicator returns to solid green, your modem
is active and ready to use.
7. To confirm your modem’s status, navigate to your favorite website. If you are able
to access the XOHM site but no other website, provisioning may not be complete.
Wait a few minutes and try again.