Initial Starting Procedure
1— Fill the cold water basin and circulating water system to a level 1/2”
(13 mm) below the overflow.
2— Bypass valve should be closed unless start-up is in cold weather. (See
Routine Starting Procedure on page 8.)
3— Prime and start the circulating water pumps one at a time. Increase the
flow of circulating water gradually to design water rate to avoid surges
or water hammer which could damage the distribution piping.
4— When flow has stabilized at or near the design rate, adjust water
make-up to maintain the level that the water has pumped down to
in the cold water basin. (See Cold Water Collection Basin on page
10.) This should coincide reasonably with the recommended operating
water level indicated on the Marley project drawings.
5— Start the fan(s). After 30 minutes operating time, to permit Geareducer
oil to come up to operating temperature, check motor load with watt
meter, or take operating volt and ampere readings and calculate motor
horsepower. Refer to Marley Fan Service Manual for instructions.
If it is necessary to adjust fan pitch to pull correct contract horse-
power, measure results when circulating design water rate at design
hot water temperature. Horsepower will change with air density. Lock
out all electrical service before entering fan area.
▲ Caution