
The MD tower is first and foremost
a Marley – and that alone speaks volumes.
The Proof Is in the Details.
Model kW Width Length Height
MD 5008 5.5 2565 2743 3912 189
7.5 2565 2743 3912 207
11 2565 2743 3912 234
15 2565 2743 3912 255
MD 5010 11 2565 3658 4013 293
15 2565 3658 4013 317
18.5 2565 3658 4013 341
22 2565 3658 4013 360
MD 5016 11 3607 3658 4851 368
15 3607 3658 4851 403
18.5 3607 3658 4851 431
22 3607 3658 4851 460
30 3607 3658 4851 500
Tower height may vary depending on configuration and cell quantity
*Based on .68 m
/hr per ton at 35°C HW, 29.5°C CW, 25.5°C WB