Upgrading Existing Rock
Trickling Filters
MARPAK MXF 4800 with its 60° cross fluted
geometry and high surface and void ratio is ideal
for upgrading the performance of existing rock
trickling filters.
With a surface area and void ratio more than
three times greater than rock, upgrading with
MARPAK MXF 4800 can more than double the
organic capacity and improve effluent quality of
an existing trickling filter. A significant amount of
nitrification can also be achieved, depending on
the organic loading.
Unlike rock or random plastic media, MARPAK
MXF 4800 provides continuous and uniform
horizontal redistribution of air and water, with
no short-circuiting. In addition, MARPAK MXF
4800 has no horizontal surfaces, thus minimizing
the potential for excessive solids buildup and
MARPAK MXF 4800 modules can be placed
directly on rows of supports (Fig. 7-1) Removal
of the existing clay tile along with the rock media
is recommended. Modifications to the existing
trickling filter structure are generally not required.
Remove Existing Rock Media
and Underdrain
Alternate Support Material:
Clay Tile, Concrete Block, Precast Concrete Beams
Rock Media
MarPier Supports