A.0500.551 – IM-TGMAG/02.00 EN (02/2008)
3.18.2 Location Short suction line
Locate the pump/pump unit as close as possible to the liquid source and if possible below the liquid
supply level. The better the suction conditions, the better the performance of the pump. See also
section Piping. Accessibility
Sufficient space should be left around the pump/pump unit to allow proper inspection, pump
isolation and maintenance.
Sufficient space should be left in front of the pump to enable disassembly of the pump cover, idler
and idler pin.
• Forlooseningpumpcoverrefertoma
• Fordisassemblingrotatingparts(rotorshaftandmagneticcoupling)refertomb
• Toadjustpressureofsafetyreliefvalverefertomc
For dimensions of ma, mb, mc see chapter 6.0.
It is imperative that the operating device of pump and/or pump unit is always accessible
(also during operation). Outdoor installation
The TopGear pump may be installed in the open, the ball bearings are sealed by rubber V-joints
protecting the pump against dripping water. In very wet conditions we advice to install a roof. Indoor installation
Locate the pump so that the motor can be vented properly. Prepare the motor for operation
according to instructions provided by the motor manufacturer.
When flammable or explosive products are pumped, a proper earthing should be provided. The
components of the unit should be connected with earthing bridges to reduce the danger arising from
static electricity.
Use explosion free or explosion proof motors according to local regulations. Provide suitable
coupling guards and suitable couplings.
Excessive temperatures
Depending on the fluid being pumped, high temperatures may be reached inside and around the
pump. From 60°C onwards the safety representative must provide the necessary protective means
and place “Hot surfaces” notices.
When insulating the pump unit, ensure that adequate cooling is allowed for the bearing housing. This
is required for cooling of the bearings and grease of the bearing bracket.
(see Guarding of moving parts).
Protect the user against leakages and possible liquid streams.