A.0500.551 – IM-TGMAG/02.00 EN (02/2008)
1.3 Safety
1.3.1 General
Personnel who have a pacemaker should not be allowed to work with the magnetic
coupling! The magnetic field is sufficiently strong to affect the operation of a pace-
maker. A safe distance is 3 metre!
The pump must not be used for other purposes than recommended and quoted for without consult-
ing your distributor.
A pump must always be installed and used in accordance with existing national and local environ-
mental and safety regulations and laws.
When ATEX pump/pump unit is supplied, the separate ATEX manual must be followed
• Alwayswearsuitablesafetyclothingwhenhandlingthepump.
• Anchorthepumpproperlybeforestart-uptoavoidpersonalinjuryand/ordamagetothepump
• Installshut-offvalvesonbothsidesofthepumptobeabletoshutofftheinletandoutletbefore
service and maintenance. Check to see that the pump can be drained without injuring anyone
and without contaminating the environment or nearby equipment.
• Makesurethatallmovablepartsareproperlycoveredtoavoidpersonalinjury.
• Allelectricalinstallationworkmustbecarriedoutbyauthorizedpersonnelinaccordancewith
EN60204-1 and/or local regulations. Install a lockable circuit breaker to avoid inadvertent start-
ing. Protect the motor and other electrical equipment from overloads with suitable equipment.
The electric motors must be supplied with ample cooling air.
In environments where there is risk of explosion, motors classified as explosion-safe must be
used, along with special safety devices. Check with the governmental agency responsible for
such precautions.
• Improperinstallationcancausefatalinjuries.
• Dust,liquidsandgasesthatcancauseoverheating,shortcircuits,corrosiondamageandre
must be kept away from motors and other exposed equipment.
• Ifthepumphandlesliquidshazardousforpersonorenvironment,somesortofcontainermust
be installed into which leakage can be led. All (possible) leakage should be collected to avoid
contamination of the environment.
• Keeparrowsandothersignsvisibleonthepump.
• Ifthesurfacetemperatureofthesystemorpartsofthesystemexceeds60°C,theseareasmust
be marked with warning text reading ”Hot surface” to avoid burns.
• Thepumpunitmustnotbeexposedtorapidtemperaturechangesoftheliquidwithoutpriorpre-
heating/pre-cooling. Large temperature changes can cause crack formation or explosion, which
in turn can entail severe personal injuries.
• Thepumpmustnotoperateabovestatedperformance.Seesection3.5Maincharacteristics.
• Beforeinterveninginthepump/system,thepowermustbeshutoffandthestartingdevicebe
locked. When intervening in the pump unit, follow the instructions for disassembly/assembly,
chapter 4.0. If the instructions are not followed, the pump or parts of the pump can be damaged.
It will also invalidate the warranty.
• Gearpumpsmustneverruncompletelydry.Dryrunningproducesheatandcancausedamage
to internal parts such as bush bearings. When dry running is required, the pump has e.g. to be
run a short time with liquid supply.
Note! A small quantity of liquid should remain in the pump to ensure lubrication of internal parts.
If there is a risk for dry running for a longer period, install a suitable dry running protection.
Consult your distributor.
• Ifthepumpdoesnotfunctionsatisfactorily,contactyourdistributor.