• The speed may be changed at any time during the cool down by pressing the
[Speed: +] key to increase the speed, or the [Speed: -] key to decrease the
speed. Or, use the numeric keypad to enter the desired speed.
• The incline may be changed at any time during cool down by pressing the
[Incline: UP] key to increase the incline, or by pressing the [Incline: DOWN] key
to decrease the incline.
7. Press [STOP] to end the workout. The workout statistics will be displayed, and then the
controller will revert back to the “SELECT WORKOUT” message.
The Fat Burner Program
The Fat Burner program is a 60 interval workout designed with moderate changes in incline
designed to stimulate fat store assimilation for users on a weight control program. The profile
in the center display indicates relative intensity. Any changes to the intensity level will not
change the look of the remaining profile; however, the new intensity level will continue through
the rest of the workout.
• The default speed is 2.0 mph unless modified during data entry. Default time is
20 minutes and default user weight is 175 lbs unless modified during data entry.
Speed is entered by the user and can be manually changed by the user with the
Speed FASTER and SLOWER keys.
To use the Fat Burner program:
1. Press the [FAT BURNER] key. A message similar to following will be displayed:
2. The controller will display “ENTER WEIGHT - LBS” (or “ENTER WEIGHT - KG” if in Metric
mode). Enter your weight using the numeric keypad and press [ENTER]. Or, press
[ENTER] to accept the default value.
• Your weight is used to calculate the number of calories burned for each minute
of exercise and the total number of calories burned for the exercise session.
3. The controller will display “SPEED MPH” (or “SPEED KM/H if in Metric mode). Enter the
desired speed using the numeric keypad and press [ENTER]. Or, press [ENTER] to
accept the default value.
4. Next, the controller will display “WORKOUT BASED ON 1:TIME 2:DISTANCE”. Press [1]
if you want to enter an exercise time, or press [2] if you want to enter a workout
distance (in miles or kilometers, if in metric).
If you press [1] for time, then the controller will display “ENTER TIME 5-99”. Enter the
desired time and press [ENTER]. Or, press [ENTER] to select the default time.
If you press [2] for distance, then the controller will display “ENTER DISTANCE”. Enter
the desired distance in miles (or kilometers if in Metric) and press [ENTER]. Or, press
[ENTER] to select the default distance.