Labeled 1 through 4, these banks store cue points, samples, or loops. Pressing one of the BANK buttons will store a cue point at the exact
time it was pressed. The button will flash red, and then turn solid green, letting you know that a cue point has been stored. Press the button
again, and playback will seamlessly restart from the stored cue point and the button will turn red. You can repeatedly press the BANK button
to create a stuttering effect. If the unit is in pause or cue mode, pressing the button will start playback from the stored cue point, but will only
keep playing while the button is depressed. To clear or delete cue points from memory, simply press the CLEAR button (#23). While it is
flashing red, press the BANK button(s) you wish to clear and those buttons will also flash red. Press CLEAR once more to complete the
process, and the BANK lights will now turn off, letting you know that there is no information stored in them. After cue points are stored to one
of the BANKS, pressing the SAMPLER button (#20) will engage SAMPLER mode (please refer to item #20).
This will automatically retain the setting you have made for continuous or single play mode, even if you unplug the unit.
By connecting the CD player to a mixing board that has the fader start feature, the crossfader will engage playback or cue mode depending
on its location. If the CD player is connected to the left side of the crossfader, playback will start once the fader is moved from the left most
position towards the right. The CD player will re-cue itself when the crossfader is brought back to the left most position. Two CD players can
be hooked up in this fashion to work on both sides of the crossfader.
When both CD players are connected to each other via their FADER START / RELAY jacks, the players can work in unison by playing tracks
one after another from both units.
• Set both players to single play mode (the SINGLE indicator will be illuminated in the LCD displays).
• Begin playback on the first player.
• When the first track ends, playback will automatically start on the second player and the first player will automatically enter standby mode.
• When the track on the second player ends, the first player will play the next track. The players will continue to
perform continuous relay play until stopped or until the last track is played.
• By setting a cue point on the standby player, you can perform relay to any desired cue point on the selected
NOTE: Relay play may not work properly if the audio outputs on both players are not connected to the same
audio input, amplifier, or if the mixing board is not set up properly.
Similar to the sound of a CD skipping, this effect can be created and controlled in a variety of ways.
• Rapidly pressing the CUE button.
• By storing a cue point to one of the four BANK buttons and pressing them rapidly.
• By creating a seamless loop, and rapidly pressing the RELOOP button.
• By creating a seamless loop with a very short duration.
• By pressing PAUSE while audio is playing in CD Jog mode.
The CD player automatically shuts off the transport and laser and displays “SLEEP MODE” in the LCD screen after being left in pause or cue
mode for 15 minutes. This will lengthen the life of your motor drive, laser, and LCD screen. To wake up your unit from sleep mode, simply
press CUE, or PLAY/PAUSE.