
The SA-8 DJ Focus Signature Mixer
"From the mind of focus" comes the SA-8, the ultimate performance mixer. Never
before has so much scrutiny been put into the layout of a scratch mixer, each fea-
ture was carefully arranged and placed according to a DJs natural hand move-
ment (notice where the gain is). The SA-8 offers features for every type of DJ,
either strictly scratch, live performance, production, or mix. This "studio-style"
scratch mixer gives you the technology of a professional mixing console com-
pacted and ergonomically arranged in a format that is preferred by top DJs.
Features include:
• Individual Direct outputs allow you record your mixtapes and scratches down to a multi-
track recorder, and mix and EQ each channel separately before mixing them down to a
tape or CD*
An all new concept in cueing: Post Fader Cue allows you to listen to your scratches in
the headphone while using the crossfader as normal*
• Autocue eliminates the need for touching the cue pan (switching from Ch.1 to Ch. 2)*
• Adjustable Rumble Filter allows the DJ to eliminate low end frequencies*
• 3-way adjustable curve control on line faders
• OSII Optical Switch (for "noise-free" transforms)*
• Mono/Stereo Switch per channel
• New screwless faceplate
• Includes custom designed P&G (Penny & Giles) crossfader Stanton Focus Fader V2
crossfader, and custom P&G line faders.
All new "one of-a-kind" knobs & faders (a molded design to fit the DJ fingers)*
• An ergonomic layout so there is no bumping or cluttering of knobs during use
• Phono / Line / FX Toggle Switch
• Multiple Outputs: 2-RCA (Unbalanced), 2-1/4" Direct Out ( Balanced), 1-1/4" Master
(Balanced), Plus FX Send (1/4") ·Multiple Inputs: 2-RCA(Phono), 2-RCA(Line), 1-RCA
(Aux), Plus FX Return (1/4")
• Program Reverse
• 2-Dual headphone outputs (2-1/4" and 2-1/8" mini jack) w/ Headphone mute
• Booth Output
P&G Vs Focus Fader
The Focus Fader is an optical digital crossfader. The advantages are that there
are no contacts inside the fader, which means that the audio will never degrade
due to fader wear. This also means that the fader will be much smoother. Some
find it too smooth. We have included the P&G fader, which is a high quality
mechanical fader for those who prefer more resistance.
*Original concepts by DJ Focus
6.5) Insert dust cover.
6.6) Insert fader track back into fader body with
wires coming out open end of fader body.
6.7) Secure the remaining end block ensuring that
the track wires (I) are not pinched between the
end block and fader casing.
7. Once assembled, move the slider from end to end to ensure
operation is smooth.
8. Attach fader to fader plate. (NOTE: As noted earlier if you do not
want to change positioning of fader, keep the 2 fader plate screws
loose and shift the fader until it is aligned with the marks you creat-
ed in step 1, then tighten fader plate screws.)
1. Once the original fader has been removed, plug
the connector into the Focus Fader fader.
2. There is a switch just above the crossfader. Make
sure it is set to CFF2. When reinstalling the P&G
fader, make sure to switch it back to VR (P&G).
3. Place fader back in mixer and replace 2 outer
screws to secure fader.