
graphics densities. These commands, which are shown in Table
7-3, can be used interchangeably with the corresponding (ESC)
“*” command. Like the commands you are already familiar
with, these new commands are followed by two bytes to specify
the number of graphics data bytes to print and then the data.
At the end of this chapter, we’ll discuss two modes that the
printer offers to help you solve potential graphics problems. A
redefining code allows you to change the density for graphics
programs that use one of the four alternate codes. The g-pin
graphics mode allows you to use all nine pins on each line and
thus speed up screen dumps.
Table 7-4
More graphics commands
Function Control code
Redefine the graphics mode (ESC)“?” n0 nl
g-pin graphics
(ESC)” -
CHR$(nO) nl n2
ml m2
n Redefining alternate graphics codes
Your printer provides a command to redefine one of the alter-
nate graphics modes - K, L, Y, or 2 - so that it represents any
other of the seven graphics modes. The command is (ESC) “?”
n0 nl, where n0 is one of the four letters, “K”, “L”, “Y”, or “Z”,
and nl is one of the numbers used with the (ESC) “*” corn-
mand, 0 to 7. There are several instances in which you may use
this sequence.
The first occurs if you have written a program to be printed in
one graphics mode and now want to print it in another. If you
have used concatenation to store your graphics command in one
_ short character string, that will not be difficult. You can simply
change the mode number or alternate code in the definition of
the character string.
A second time you can make good use of the redefining code
occurs when you want to change a program in which you have
not concatenated the graphics codes. Using the (ESC) ‘?” se-
quence allows you to change every instance of your graphics
command by entering only one line.