
While you are feeding lines, if you also press the On Line switch, the
paper willfked to the top of the next page. This is explainedlater.
When powerison, alwaysusethePaper Feedswitchinsteadoftheplaten
knob to feed paper. Turn the platen knob only when power is off.
PrintPitch switch
Thisswitchoperatesoff-lineto selectthe printpitch:thespacingbetween
characters. The indicators to the left light (green) to indicate the selected
The printer powers up in pica pitch. To change to another pitch, press
the On Line switchto go off-line,then pressthe Print Pitch switchrepeatedly
until the indicators show the pitch you want.
In Standard mode (when DIP switch 1-6 is ON), the pitch selections
cycle as follows:
(10 characters per inch)
(12 characters per inch)
Condensed pica (17 characters per inch)
Condensed elite (20 characters per inch)
Proportional pica
Proportional elite
This is pica (10 characters p= inch) .
This is condensedpica (17charactersper inch).
Thisis mdensedelite
This is proportional pica.
This is proportional elite.
Figure 2-2. Print pitches selectable from tfre control panel
Samples of these pitches are shown in Figure 2-2. Note that with
proportional pitch different letters occupy different widths. (For example,
“i” and “1”are narrower than other letters.) Proportional pitch is attractive
and spaceefflcient, though not always convenientwhen column alignment
is required.
Note that you cannot selectcondensedproportional pitch on the control
panel.Youcanmake thisselectionby theprintercommands < S1s <ESCs
“p” 1 see Appendix B.