Instruction Manual
Select 4. Check Permitted TCP/UDP to monitor a service that you have
previously added as a Permitted Service.
Select 5. Check TCP/UDP to specify a service port that you wish to
monitor, but to which you do not wish to allow external (MetaConnect)
Select 6. Check TCP to monitor
The Nagios Check selected as the check-host-alive check is the •
check used to determine whether the network host itself is up or
Typically this will be • Check Ping – although in some cases the host
will be configured not to respond to pings
If no • check-host-alive check is selected, the host will always be
assumed to be up
You may de-select check-host-alive by clicking Clear check-host- •
If required, customize the selected Nagios Checks to use custom •
Click 7. Apply.
Configure the upstream Nagios monitoring host
Refer to the Nagios documentation (http://www.nagios.org/docs/) for
configuring the upstream server:
The section entitled Distributed Monitoring steps through what you •
need to do to configure NSCA on the upstream server (under
Central Server Configuration)
NRPE Documentation: walkthrough NRPE configuration on up •
stream server: http://nagios.sourceforge. net/docs/nrpe/NRPE.pdf
At this stage, Nagios at the upstream monitoring server has been con-
figured, and individual serial port and network host connections on the
ECS0016 configured for Nagios monitoring. If NSCA is enabled, each se-
lected check will be executed once over the period of the check interval. If
NRPE is enabled, then the upstream server will be able to request status
updates under it’s own scheduling.