Install the hat and rotor assembly, ensuring that
the rotor is seated squarely on the hub face. If
necessary, clean the face of the hub, using a wire
brush or similar means.
tep 6tep 6
tep 6tep 6
tep 6
Install AeroRotor AssemblyInstall AeroRotor Assembly
Install AeroRotor AssemblyInstall AeroRotor Assembly
Install AeroRotor Assembly
MUST be cleaned with soap and water prior to installation (soap and warm water work
best to remove all traces of rust inhibitor, but brake cleaner can be used as an alternative, if necessary).
Not cleaning the AeroRotors will damage the rotors and pads, and will prevent the brakes from
performing properly.
Scrubbing the AeroRotor, using a ScotchBrite
pad, soap and water.
ning: Dning: D
ning: Dning: D
ning: D
o not skip this step!o not skip this step!
o not skip this step!o not skip this step!
o not skip this step!
Even though the rotors may look clean, the rust
inhibitor is in place, and it must be removed.
Not cleaning the rotors will severely impact the
performance of your new brake system.
3541 Unit A, Lomita Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 325-4799
www.stoptech.com 12
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the rotors will severely decrease the cooling capacity of the system. The rotors are clearlythe rotors will severely decrease the cooling capacity of the system. The rotors are clearly
the rotors will severely decrease the cooling capacity of the system. The rotors are clearlythe rotors will severely decrease the cooling capacity of the system. The rotors are clearly
the rotors will severely decrease the cooling capacity of the system. The rotors are clearly
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inside the rotor should lean toward the rear of the car on the top side of the rotor (see theinside the rotor should lean toward the rear of the car on the top side of the rotor (see the
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following pages for more-detailed images).following pages for more-detailed images).
following pages for more-detailed images).following pages for more-detailed images).
following pages for more-detailed images).
Use the stock rotor-retaining screw, to secure the
rotor in place, and tighten it using a 6mm Allen