TABLE 6–18 MappingBetween Version 5Event Attributes andVersion 6 Connection Handler
Properties (Continued)
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute DirectoryProxyServer6.0Property
ids-proxy-con-ssl-required is-ssl-mandatory
ids-proxy-con-bind-anonymous allowed-auth-methods:anonymous
ids-proxy-con-bind-simple allowed-auth-methods:simple
ids-proxy-con-bind-sasl allowed-auth-methods:sasl
Mapping the Actions Conguration
Directory Proxy Server 5 supports only one action, specied by the
ids-proxy-sch-ChangeGroupAction object class. This action enables you to congure
Directory Proxy Server to change a client from one access group to another based on the
evaluation of a rule. The action uses the multi-valued ids-proxy-con-to-group attribute to
specify the groups to which the client can change.
Directory Proxy Server 6.0 connection handlers provide this functionality. After being classied
into a connection handler, a connection can be automatically reclassied into another
connection handler. For example, if a client connects anonymously, the connection is allocated
to the connection handler congured for anonymous connections. If the client later provides a
bind DN on the same connection, the connection can be reallocated to another connection
For information on how to congure this functionality in Directory Proxy Server 6.0, see
“Creating, Conguring, and Deleting Connection Handlers” in Sun Java System Directory
Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide.
Conguring Directory Proxy Server 6.0 as a Simple
Connection-Based Router
It is possible to congure an instance of Directory Proxy Server 6.0 to behave as a simple
connection-based router, with the same functionality as Directory Proxy Server 5.2. To do this,
map the conguration attributes described previously and follow the procedure describe in
“Conguring Directory Proxy Server as a Connection Based Router” in Sun Java System
Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide
Mappingthe Actions Conguration
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide • March2007104