Managing Connector Connection Pools
“To Create a Connector Connection Pool” on page 82
“To Edit a Connector Connection Pool” on page 83
“To Edit Connector Connection Pool Advanced Attributes” on page 85
“To Edit Connection Pool Properties” on page 87
To Create a Connector Connection Pool
Before creating the pool, deploy the connector module (resource adapter) associated with the
pool. The values that are specied for the new pool depend on the connector module that is
In the tree component, expand theResource node andthen the Connectors node. Select the
Connector Connection Poolsnode. On the Connector Connection Pools page, click New.
On the rstCreate Connector Connection Pool page, specify thefollowing settings:
a. In theName eld, enter alogical name for thepool.
Specify this name when creating a connector resource.
b. Select an entry from theResource Adaptercombo box.
The combo box displays a list of deployed resource adapters (connector modules).
Select a value fromthe Connection Denition combobox.
The choices in the combo box depend on the resource adapter you selected. The Connection
Denition attribute identies a resource adapter's connection-definition element in
thera.xml le.
Click Next.
On the next CreateConnector Connection Pool page,perform thesetasks:
a. In theGeneral Settings section verify that the values are correct.
b. For the elds in thePool Settings section, the defaultvalues can be retained.
These settings can be changed at a later time. See
“To Edit a Connector Connection Pool” on
page 83
ManagingConnectorConnection Pools
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December200882