iv Sun Datacenter Switch 3456 Service Manual • August 2008
▼ Inserting Pins 15
2.3 Cable Management Hardware 2–16
▼ Removing Cable Plates 16
▼ Installing Cable Plates 16
▼ Removing Cable Trees 17
▼ Installing Cable Trees 18
▼ Removing Cable Trays 20
▼ Installing Cable Trays 20
2.4 InfiniBand Cables 2–21
2.4.1 Cable Cautions 2–21
▼ Removing Cables From the Sun Datacenter Switch 3456 22
▼ Attaching Cables to the Sun Datacenter Switch 3456 23
3. Power Supply Service Procedures 3–1
3.1 Troubleshooting Power Supplies 3–2
3.2 Powering Off Power Supplies 3–2
3.3 Removing Power Supplies 3–3
▼ Removing a Power Supply 3
3.4 Installing Power Supplies 3–5
▼ Installing a Power Supply 5
3.5 Powering On Power Supplies 3–7
4. Fan Service Procedures 4–1
4.1 Troubleshooting Fans 4–1
4.2 Removing Fans 4–1
▼ Removing a Fan 1
4.3 Installing Fans 4–2
▼ Installing a Fan 3
5. Chassis Management Controller Service Procedures 5–1