About This Guide
xviii Sun Confidential: Internal Only 96257
Revision A
About This Guide
■ Product Overview
The Sun StorageTek Virtual Storage Manager® (VSM®) is a disk-based virtual tape sys-
tem that provides enterprise-class storage management capabilities for MVS-based sys-
tems. Its scalable design, which includes Virtual Tape Control System (VTCS) host soft-
ware and an intelligent Virtual Tape Storage Subsystem (VTSS) disk buffer, optimizes
streaming workloads and backup and recovery functions, reduces management over-
head, and maximizes tape capacity utilization to reduce data protection costs in a wide
range of storage environments.
■ Intended Audience
This document is intended for use by Sun Microsystems personnel and other qualified ser-
vice providers (QSPs)
involved with site planning, installation, configuration, testing, cer-
tification, servicing, and technical support of VSM5 system equipment.
Users of this document should have a working knowledge of the following concepts and
technologies: virtualization; Ethernet; FICON, fibre channel, and network topologies; tape
storage (tape drives and tape libraries); and disk storage.
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1. Third-party contractors certified and authorized by Sun to work with systems and equipment described in this guide.