
Hardware and Software Requirements
Chapter 1 Before You Install iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition 13
If you are using Internet Explorer, you need to set your browser to check for a
new version of a page every time you access it. To configure this setting, from
the View menu, choose Internet Options. On the General tab, in the Temporary
Internet Files section, click Settings. Click the radio button to check for newer
versions of stored pages every visit to the page.
Java, JavaScript, and cookies enabled in your browser.
If you intend to use hostnames during the iPlanet Web Server installation, DNS
properly configured with an entry for your server in a DNS server.
A static IP address on your machine.
A Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system if you plan to use Java
Server Pages (JSPs). iPlanet Web Server for Windows NT requires JDK 1.2.2 or
higher.For more information, see “Installing a Java Developer’s Kit,” on page
256 MB swap space.
10 MB of disk space for log files.
Netscape Communicator 4.61 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01.
Java, JavaScript, and cookies enabled in your browser.
If you are using Internet Explorer, you need to set your browser to check for a
new version of a page every time you access it. To configure this setting, from
the View menu, choose Internet Options. On the General tab, in the Temporary
Internet Files section, click Settings. Click the radio button to check for newer
versions of stored pages every visit to the page.
A Linux user and group that have the appropriate permissions for running
iPlanet Web Server. This user is different from the user that runs the
Administration Server. Often people use the user
nobody and group nobody
for this purpose, but you can also create a specific user and group.
A Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system if you plan to use Java
Server Pages (JSPs). For more information on the required version and where
to obtain it, see “Installing a Java Developer’s Kit,” on page 18.