Preparing for installation
Avaya CMS Sun Fire V880/V890 Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting May 2006
System precautions
Ensure that the voltage and frequency of the power outlet that is used matches the electrical
rating labels on the equipment.
Wear antistatic wrist straps when handling any magnetic storage devices, CPU/Memory boards,
or other printed circuit boards.
The V880 computer has three autoranging power supplies that use nominal input voltages
of 100 to 240 V AC at 47 to 63 Hz. The V890 computer has three autoranging power supplies
that use nominal input voltages of 200 to 240 V AC at 47 to 63 Hz.
WARNING: You cannot interchange power supplies between a V880 and V890 computer.
Sun products are designed to work with single-phase power systems that have a grounded
neutral conductor. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not plug Sun products into another
type of power source. Contact your facilities manager or qualified electrician if you are unsure of
what type of power is supplied to your building.
Avaya recommends that you use one of the following power schemes:
● For a V880, use two (2) 2KVA Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) (or equivalent), each
powered by a nonswitched, dedicated, 15-amp circuit. Connect two of the power supplies
to one UPS, and the third power supply to the second UPS. The monitor and external
peripherals can also be connected to the second UPS.
● For a V890, use one 6KVA UPS (or equivalent), powered by a nonswitched,
dedicated, 15-amp circuit. Connect all of the power supplies to the UPS. The monitor and
external peripherals can also be connected to the UPS.
Note: If not using a UPS, connect each power supply to a nonswitched,
dedicated, 15-amp circuit. Connect the monitor and external peripherals to a
separate circuit.
Each of the following items require a separate power cord:
● Power supplies in the computer (3 power cords)
● External peripherals
● Monitor
WARNING: Do not make mechanical or electrical modifications to the cabinet. Sun
Microsystems is not responsible for regulatory compliance of modified cabinets.