(MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP requesters.
Hot-pluggable A feature that allows an administrator to add or remove a device such as a
disk drive without affecting hardware system integrity.
Hot-swappable A feature that allows an administrator to remove and/or replace a device
without affecting software integrity. This means that, while the system
does not need to be rebooted, the new component is not automatically
recognized by the system.
Carrier grade Ruggedized, rack-mountable systems with features including remote
alarm capabilities, front-back cooling, front accessibility of media, rear
cabling, and rugged NEBS-compliant packaging.
NEBS Network Equipment Building Standard. A stringent standard for
durability, grounding cables, and hardware interfaces specified by
Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore) for equipment used in Telco
central offices.
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